- Amelia Earhart
- Aquaman
- Ariel
- Avengers
- Aviator
- Beauty & the Beast
- Belle
- Black Panther
- Captain Feathersword
- Captain Hook
- Cinderella
- Circus
- Clown
- Colonial
- Disney
- Disney Princesses
- Egyptian
- Elf
- Evil Princess
- Fiona
- Game of Thrones
- Gnome
- Gothic Princess
- Grease
- Gryffindor
- Guardians of the Galaxy
- Guinevere
- Hannibal Lector
- Harry Potter
- Hermione Granger
- Howard Hughes
- Huntsman
- Indian
- Jack Sparrow
- Juliet
- Jungle
- Knight
- Lachy Wiggle
- Lady Godiva
- Luigi
- Maid
- Maid Marion
- Marvel
- Mary Poppins
- Medieval Prince
- Mera
- Merida
- Mermaid
- Mother
- Mrs Potts
- Mulan
- Native American
- Neptune
- Newsboy
- Nun
- Nutcracker
- Nutcracker & The Four Realms
- Panda
- Parrot
- Pascal
- Peaky Blinders
- Pennywise
- Peter Pan
- Pharaoh
- Pig
- Pilgrim
- Pilot
- Pink Ladies
- Pinocchio
- Pirate
- Pirates
- Pirates of the Caribbean
- Pixie
- Plague Doctor
- Platypus
- Plumber
- Po
- Pocahontas
- Poison Ivy
- Policeman
- Popeye
- Poppy
- Possessed
- Power Rangers
- Pregnant
- Priest
- Prince
- Prince Charming
- Princess
- Prisoner
- Professor McGonagall
- Punk
- Rapunzel
- Robin Hood
- Santa
- Snow White